Private Defect Rectification
In the interest of public safety, connections to the electricity distribution network must comply with all relevant safety standards. Essential Energy inspection officers regularly inspect old and existing connections and may issue Defect Notices to customers detailing faults on a customer's connection.
Residents and businesses are responsible for maintaining private electrical infrastructure located on their property as determined by Essential Energy.
You may have been given a Defect Notice if your electrical installation does not comply with necessary safety standards. This may be due to incorrect or faulty wiring, a damaged crossarm, faulty pole or a number of other issues that may inevitably be a risk to public safety if they are not repaired in a timely manner.
If you are issued a Defect Notice, Rafter Electrical is able to act as a communications conduit between Essential Energy and the Customer to understand the requirements of the Defect Notice. We are also able to facilitate the rectification of identified defects to the standard set out in the below links.
The specific requirements for electrical defect notices can be found in the following standards:
Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2006
Essential Energy Supply Standards- Electricity Supply Standards
Here at Rafter Electrical we specialise in rectifying all types of defects, including fault and emergency work.
Types of Defects
Clashing Powerlines
Trees near powerlines
Slack wires
Damaged poles
Damaged fittings
Damaged wires
Non - Compliant
Damaged crossarms